How Close Should Grow Lights Be to Plants?

Scynce Led Light Grow Kush

A well-designed lighting system is the most essential aspect of any indoor farming environment. Growers need to make sure their plants receive enough energy to develop at optimum rates without being overpowered. This leads us to one of our most frequently asked questions: how close should grow lights be to plants? We’re afraid there’s no […]

Optically Focused Smart LED Grow Lights – Part 1

Optically Focused Smart LED Grow Lights research

There’s a big debate in the grow community about Smart LED grow lights and if they are as effective as some claim. The real truth here remains elusive but LEDs lights are finally starting to shed their negative reputation of not being able to flower cannabis. As we move into the next era of grow […]

LEDs Don’t Work

Scynce Led Light Logo

We dive deep into the myth of LED grow lights, and what it takes to make LED lights actually work. With so many applications from commercial cannabis and hemp growers to home growers, containers, tents, greenhouses…you name it. The future of LED grow lights is here.

Optics Matter

Scynce Led Light Optics Matter Explanation

Scynce utilizes secondary optics that are designed to focus the light energy, similar to how glasses help some of us see better. There is no other technology that can focus light from an LED to guarantee an even intensity across the grow surface. Which is why we got them patented. Optically focused LEDs offer: Zero […]